Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Efficiency Kansas

If you own a home and would like to do some energy efficiency upgrades (but don't want to pay for it out of pocket now), you should check out Efficiency Kansas. ( It's a program set up by the state of Kansas to loan people money through a bank to get their houses tighter, more comfortable & use less energy.

Or you could just call us directly, in that we do energy audits, insulation & air sealing work. Either way.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Recovery Through Retrofit

Some interesting reading for homeowners interested in saving some money on their utilities

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wichita Area Parade of Homes

The Parade of Homes in our area starts this weekend (Oct. 10-11) and runs for three straight weekends. No matter where you are in the home buying process, from 'window shopping' to ready to move, now's your chance to go see the best of what's out there.
Check out for more info.